Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

What is Nordic Spirit?

Nordic Spirit is a brand of nicotine pouches which are completely tobacco free, smoke free and vape free – meaning it can be used anytime and anywhere.

Is this the same as snus?

No. Nordic Spirit is not snus. While Nordic Spirit nicotine pouches are used in a similar way to traditional snus, there’s a key difference. Snus traditionally contains tobacco, Nordic Spirit nicotine pouches are 100% tobacco free.

What’s the difference between nicotine pouches and chewing tobacco?

Chewing tobacco is a tobacco product, Nordic Spirit nicotine pouches are 100% tobacco free.

What does it contain/what is inside the pouch?

Nordic Spirit contains a blend of plant-based fibres, nicotine polymer, gum base, additives and flavourings used in the food industry. You can always find the ingredient list for each product at the bottom label of the can.

What should I experience when using the pouch?

0-15 mins: feel the tingle! 15-30 mins: tingle sensation stabilises 30-45 mins: Use light pressure to stimulate nicotine, 45-60 mins: Remove and responsibly discard.

How long can it be used for?

Enjoy a fresh flavour experience that lasts around an hour. Nicotine pouches are a new and different way to consume nicotine, so if you have not used nicotine pouches before we would recommend you start with keeping it in your mouth for a short period of time (5-15 minutes). Once you are familiar with the pouches you may want to change how you use them. Whilst consuming the product, if you feel a strong burning sensation or gum irritation, discontinue the use of the product.

How long does it last for once the can is opened (once seal is broken)?

To enjoy the product at its best, it should be used soon after the can is opened before the pouches start to dry out and lose flavour.

How should I dispose of pouches after using them?

When you’re done with your nicotine pouch, dispose of it responsibly in a non-recycling bin or in the handy container at the top of the can.

Is it an age-restricted product?

This product contains nicotine polymer and is to be used exclusively by existing adult smokers and nicotine consumers who are 18 years and over.

Does the characterising flavour ban (cfb) apply to nordic spirit?

No. The CFB applies to cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco products.

What happens if I swallow the pouch?

Nordic Spirit is not intended to be swallowed. If you do swallow the pouch and feel unwell, seek medical advice and have the can/product label to hand.

What is Nordic Spirit

Nordic Spirit is a brand of nicotine pouches which are completely tobacco free, smoke free and vape free – meaning it can be used anytime and anywhere.

Is this the same as snus?

No. Nordic Spirit is not snus. While Nordic Spirit nicotine pouches are used in a similar way to traditional snus, there’s a key dierence. Snus traditionally contains tobacco, Nordic Spirit nicotine pouches are 100% tobacco free.

What’s the difference between nicotine pouches and chewing tobacco?

Chewing tobacco is a tobacco product, Nordic Spirit nicotine pouches are 100% tobacco free.

What does it contain/what is inside the pouch?

Nordic Spirit contains a blend of plant-based fibres, nicotine polymer, gum base, additives and flavourings used in the food industry. You can always find the ingredient list for each product at the bottom label of the can.

What should I experience when using the pouch?

0-15 mins: feel the tingle! 15-30 mins: tingle sensation stabilises 30-45 mins: Use light pressure to stimulate nicotine, 45-60 mins: Remove and responsibly discard.

How long can it be used for?

Enjoy a fresh flavour experience that lasts around an hour. Nicotine pouches are a new and different way to consume nicotine, so if you have not used nicotine pouches before we would recommend you start with keeping it in your mouth for a short period of time (5-15 minutes). Once you are familiar with the pouches you may want to change how you use them. Whilst consuming the product, if you feel a strong burning sensation or gum irritation, discontinue the use of the product.

How long does it last for once the can is opened (once seal is broken)?

To enjoy the product at its best, it should be used soon after the can is opened before the pouches start to dry out and lose flavour.

How should I dispose of pouches after using them?

When you’re done with your nicotine pouch, dispose of it responsibly in a non-recycling bin or in the handy container at the top of the can.

Is it an age-restricted product?

This product contains nicotine polymer and is to be used exclusively by existing adult smokers and nicotine consumers who are 18 years and over.

Does the characterising flavour ban (cfb) apply to nordic spirit?

No. The CFB applies to cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco products.

What happens if I swallow the pouch?

Nordic Spirit is not intended to be swallowed. If you do swallow the pouch and feel unwell, seek medical advice and have the can/product label to hand.

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